Banking. Sustainable.

Environmental, social and governance issues shape the entrepreneurial activities of Commerzbank.

Our way to Net Zero

The transformation into a sustainable economy affects us all. It is our aspiration to actively shape this change. As early as 2019, we signed the Principles for Responsible Banking of UNEP FI and committed ourselves to supporting the economy in its transformation. With our Net Zero commitment, we are taking another significant step.
Sustainability has been an integral part of our corporate strategy since 2020. We want to play our part in bringing global financial flows into line with the goals of the Paris Agreement and the European Union’s Green Deal, thereby promoting climate-compatible development.

Performance indicators of our sustainability strategy

We empower our customers to achieve their sustainable transformation while setting a good example.


We are committed to neutralising all our financed emissions. To calculate and define our targets, we have joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

-> To the SBTi

Our goal is to mobilise more than €300 billion for sustainable transformation. The ESG Framework shows which products we classify as sustainable.

The bank's operations are to meet the Net Zero standard and our supplier portfolio will be climate neutral. In this way, we lead by example.

What does ESG mean?

ESG is short for Environmental, Social and Governance and covers the company’s sustainability-related areas of responsibility.

The protection of the environment and climate as well as the support of our customers in their efforts are firmly anchored in Commerzbank..

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In order to live up to our social responsibility, we attach importance to an open corporate culture and actively participate in society with various commitments.

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Solid values, binding codes of conduct and demanding voluntary commitments form the framework of our business activities.

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