Work flexibly Work flexibly



Shaping life with sovereignty

More and more people want to be able to arrange their working hours as they wish and shape their work-life balance according to their individual preferences. That's why we offer our employees many ways to work flexibly. Our offering includes various working time solutions and many part-time options, as well as mobile working and partial retirement.

Our flexible working arrangements also meet the wishes of our customers, as they enable us to offer them extended service and consulting hours. And last but not least, it is important for us as a bank to manage our working hours and work processes flexibly overall. So flexible working is a win-win for everyone.

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Working hours - something for everyone

Variable working hours, for example, have been standard practice at our company for a long time. Our flexitime regulations specify the time periods within work can be done. This gives our employees a great deal of personal freedom. We offer further freedom with variable lunch breaks.

The daily staffing is regulated by the work teams themselves. This ensures that operations always run smoothly and in line with demand. The daily staffing - if necessary - is regulated by the work teams themselves. This ensures that operations always run smoothly.

Part time - less is more

We recognized the need for individual part-time solutions early on and agreed basic rules with our Works Council. We can now offer an individualized solution for almost every interested employee. The basis for this is a range of models that are designed in a variety of ways in practice.

Part-time arrangements are good for the bank and for our employees. They increase flexibility on both sides and enable a better work-life balance.

Incidentally, more and more men and managers are taking up the offer to reduce their working hours in order to gain more time for family, further education and hobbies.

Mobile working - flexible on the road

Commerzbank offers a wide range of options to make it easier to balance private and professional life wherever work requirements allow. This also includes mobile working, which enables our employees to work partly at home and partly at the bank.

These offers are particularly important where employees want to maintain contact with their employer, for example during parental leave. With the innovative "keep in touch" working time model, we offer the opportunity to remain involved in banking activities during parental leave by working part-time (10 or 20 percent). The technical connection to the bank from home makes it possible, among other things, to register for further training measures and read messages on the bank intranet. Career interruptions can thus be avoided more easily, and a return to the bank made smoother.
