Approved Payables Finance (APF), Boost your supply chain security and efficiency with our APF solution

Approved Payables Finance offers a whole host of benefits for buyers and suppliers – a real win-win situation in working capital management.
  • Optimise your working capital by extending payment terms
  • Stabilise your supply chain by paying your suppliers right away
  • Enjoy cost-effective, multi-bank funding options

Your benefits,
Greater efficiency and security for your supply chain

Optimise your working capital

Secure better payment terms from your main suppliers

Attractive funding options for your supply chain

Strengthen your suppliers’ liquidity by leveraging your creditworthiness to help them gain access to low-interest financing

Stability and risk management

Prompt payment processing helps to ensure a stable supply chain with minimum risk of disruption

Efficiency and transparency

Having a powerful supply chain finance platform helps to increase transparency and efficiency. Approved invoices and their due dates can be reviewed directly on the respective platform.

Characterized by efficiency and transparency,
This is how Approved Payables Finance works

The supplier delivers the goods and sends an invoice to the buyer.

The buyer confirms the invoice and uploads the corresponding liability together with an irrevocable unconditional payment obligation to the Supply Chain Finance Platform (SCF Platform).

The supplier receives the information that his invoice has been confirmed and requests funding by offering his claim, including the payment obligation.

The bank is informed about the financing request and accept the purchase of the supplier's claim including the payment obligation (true sale).

The bank forwards the discounted invoice amount to the suplier.

The customer pays the confirmed invoice to the bank at the due date.

Seamless IT integration for a highly automated digital workflow

Cooperation with leading supply chain finance platforms developed by expert fintechs

Approved Payables Finance is developed and structured by Commerzbank together with independent supply chain finance (SCF) platforms by fintechs such as PrimeRevenue Inc., CRX Markets AG and Taulia LLC.

Approved Payables Finance,
Services at a glance

Our APF solutions are not only attractive, powerful financing tools, but also help to manage the relationship between buyers and suppliers more efficiently.
  • Expertise in trade-based financing solutions
    With PrimeRevenue Inc., CRX Markets AG, Taulia LLC and Commerzbank at your side, you can count on strong, expert partners. These platform providers have been leading names on the market for many years and their expertise is a valuable addition to the product portfolio.
  • Easy implementation through platform provider
    Standardised interfaces allow platform providers to connect directly with your IT and ERP systems quickly and easily.
  • Onboarding support for your suppliers
    The platform providers will support your technical implementation and transaction processing as well as the suplier onboarding and Commerzbank will be at your side too, when you are finalising requirements with your suppliers or if you need our expert input on technical implementation or transaction processing.
  • Multi-bank option
    As all SCF platforms at our side are multibank solutions, additional funding partner can be implemented, if needed.