Financing, Credit line: apply online – and adjust your credit as needed
From current account to money market loans, guarantees to import letters of credit: the credit line feature in our corporate client portal gives you short-term flexibility.
Your benefits with our online credit line, Quick, easy and flexible cash
Online application
Whether you are applying for a new credit line or need to increase your existing facility: simply fill in the application online.
Indicative term sheet
If you are a new credit client, an indicative term sheet will be immediately available, based on the financial statements data you have entered.
Quick approval
The final credit framework agreement, signed by Commerzbank, will be with you promptly.
Wherever you want, whenever you want, Three steps will take you to your online credit line
Step 1
Start your online application in the corporate client portal's credit overview, and enter the desired amount.
Step 2
Upload the required documents as PDF files.
Step 3
The transaction overview will already show the credit agreement, signed by Commerzbank. You can sign it straightaway, using the photoTAN authorisation procedure.